Of Confusion and Mixed Feelings

Well, Rumpsies, I was originally going to have this post be about the ending of the Hallowe’en season, but some new things have come up and a new topic has emerged.

Today I wish to discuss with you something in my personal life, which I usually try to stay out of in this particular blog. You see, I have posted previously about my new infatuation with a certain someone who shall remain nameless, and I am very confused at the moment. I’m trying to figure out what the heckie I’m supposed to be doing with my life right now, I am very busy with Fall Play, I have scholarship papers to fill out, I must keep up my grades, and on top of everything (That’s right, my Raven Rumps, EVERYTHING) a new potential suitor has arrived out of the blue.

I honestly have no idea what to do.

You see, here’s my problem. I like both of them, but the one that I like more seems to be not as interested as the other. Oh, cruel fate! I’m not trying to be a drama queen about all of this, it’s just that I’m very confused and on top of this confusion I have mixed feelings about both of the suitors. The one that I prefer sometimes sends me signals that he is interested, and other times it’s almost as though I don’t exist, a mere shadow among shadows. I just wish that he would be straight forward and let me know if there was even a chance that I could win his heart.

The other one, however, sends completely clear signals that he wants to be with me, but there’s only one problem that I don’t know how I feel about: He is a little younger than myself, and I’m not sure how I feel about that. I have always wanted the person whom I spend my time with to be older, and it’s just a little hard for me to get over my own ideals. I’m not even sure if I like this person enough yet to even consider a relationship, and I just wish that I had an idea of where my life is headed right now.

I am utterly, thoroughly confuzzled about the whole situation, Rumps, and I just needed to vent and get my feelings out. I know that this is rather out of character for me, to post about such things, but I felt the need to tell someone about what is going on. It makes me feel a lot better, really, to get it all out in writing.

This just goes to show, when you think your life is going in one direction, something pops up out of nowhere and it can either steer you a different way or encourage you on the path you are already on.

I’m terribly nervous and excited at the same time to see where this is headed, and I promise that next week I will be back to my normal, gothy-blog self. Toodles~

One thought on “Of Confusion and Mixed Feelings

  1. Wow, it sounds like you’re in a big pickle. I have totally been there before and I see where you’re coming from! If you know for a fact that the one you want to be with is not interested (which is utterly disappointing) I think you should start spending time with the one who appears to be interested in you, and spend less time with the one who you want to be with. I agree, it sucks. But, spending less time with him will make it easier to see what your options truly are. Also, if you spend enough time with the one who likes you, who knows, you might find new things you love about him! The only thing that helps is time, and the more you spend with the potentially new “suitor” and the less you spend with the one you want to be with, the easier it is.

    P.S. I love your writing! Your personal life is important too, don’t shy away from it! ☺

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