Of Fluttery Feelings and Dispelling Preconceived Notions

Well, my dearest Raven Rumps, I think it’s fair to say that lately I’ve been rather twitterpated with a certain someone who shall remain nameless. Ah, yes. Let the silly heart flutters, ridiculous grins, and absolute giddiness begin.

This is a very interesting subject, because the object of my affections is someone that people probably wouldn’t assume to be so. He is about the farthest thing from gothic, which is a constant item of controversy within the subculture, and this is what I wish to discuss, even though said human and I aren’t at this stage yet: can a goth + non-goth couple survive happily?

I know, Rumpsies, you’re probably sighing at this point and thinking to yourselves, “Oh no, not another romantic advice post,” but I assure you that it will be short and sweet.

Many goths think that they can only date within the subculture, that if they decide to branch out and explore “other types” it makes them less goth. This, of course, is a falsity. Just because someone is goth or not goth doesn’t matter, it’s all about if you like their personality or not and it doesn’t change who you are on the inside. I think it’s an absolutely ridiculous notion that one can’t date outside the subculture, because if each partner has the exact same interests in the first place nothing would ever change and grow in the relationship. As they say, opposites attract, so it actually makes sense for someone in the goth subculture to have an attraction to someone outside of it, even if they get a little bit of heat for it. The goths who think with the mentality that they need to be a spooky gate keeper to the subculture at all times and elevate themselves onto a shadowy pedestal whilst shunning those who enjoy other things outside of the spider-webbed circle of dark and mysterious types to earn more stamps on their goth card* are quite an insecure bunch, and if anything we should pity them for not being confident enough in who they are to interact with others outside of their own interests.

Therefore I feel no shame in admitting my fascination with said person, and to me it doesn’t matter that he’s a fairly normal looking type, though he’s extraordinary in his wit, charm, and intellectual capacity. People should appreciate each other for who they are, not for what they wear or who they associate with. I believe that people are people no matter what subculture they claim to be a part of, or even if they don’t claim one at all.

I will always be the optimist for matters of the heart, my lovelies, and although I hate to bore you with a mushy post it was the only thing I could think to write. Until next time, and don’t be surprised if my next post is dedicated to the most wonderful holiday of all, All-Hallows-Eve. Toodaloo~

*Goth card: it is a long running joke within the subculture that if you take part in particularly gothy activities (Reading vampire novels while having black hair dye piled up on top of your head, having a picnic in a graveyard, restyling a clothing garment, etc.) you will have your goth card stamped by a member of the nonexistent Goth Cabal and earn more goth points to raise your status in the subculture. Of course, goth cards aren’t real. Nor is the Goth Cabal, and they can’t revoke your goth card if you don’t get enough stamps, contrary to popular belief.

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