Of Searching for Dresses

Hello once again, my Raven Rumps~

As you all know, it is homecoming season. The boys are all scrambling to find dates and the girls are gushing about their neon, fluorescent, gemstones-the-size-of-your-face dresses. What am I doing, you ask? Well, Rumps, I am frantically searching Amazon.com for a black, lace, elegant-as-a-rose dress. I know, I know, I could easily just run out to Deb and pick up a black sparkly confection fresh off the assembly line, but I have this ridiculous and outlandish fear of buying dresses from Deb for the slight chance that I might wind up with a doppelganger at the dance. So, naturally, herein resides my plight.

I have thus far spent hours with my mother searching through page after page after PAGE of black dresses, and have only found a few that live up to my elegant and theatrical expectations. Oh, and another thing. The few party frocks that I have found are all too expensive for my modest budget. Oh, cruel fate! Woe, oh woe! What is a poor creature of the night to do?

I’ll tell you what a poor creature of the night is to do. I shall keep searching until I find the perfect dress that works for my budget, or until I am forced to go out to a chain store and hope to the bat-infested skies that no one else has bought the same article of clothing.

Until next time, my darling Rumps~

2 thoughts on “Of Searching for Dresses

  1. Am I Rumps? Who is Rumps?

    I, not unlike you, was very serious about ensuring that no one else have the same look as me for all events of the high school variety. I combated mainstreamity (That’s a word. I just made it up.) by shopping at second-hand stores and altering anything I purchased there. It worked out well. No one else was wearing an altered circa 1982 wedding gown at my senior prom.

    • I call my readers my Raven Rumps. It’s a term of endearment, much like The Lady of the Manners, one of my favorite gothic icons, uses in her blog, only she calls her readers Snarklings. I didn’t even realize I was using it, because I also have a Deviantart and that’s what I call my readers there as well!

      But that’s wonderful that you also have the same sense of individuality, and I’m pleased to say that I found a dress at Hot Topic that suited my needs perfectly. I paired it with studded heels, dramatic eyeliner, and some fishnets which gave me the perfect unique outfit.

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